手机查看SAES的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 SAES 即可SAES 网络解释1. 顺者有失 爱者有害 恶者有美 损者有益:RZRZ 人能自谦 则人愈服 人而自夸 则人必疑 | SAES 顺者有失 爱者有害 恶者有美 损者有益 | SDND 俗不及雅 淡反胜浓 浓处味短 淡中趣长
2. 學校(其他):星座: Sagittarius | 學校(其他): saes | 公司: none
3. 911查询·英语单词大全
3. 社交團體:職業: ..guner.. | 社交團體: SAES | 興趣: ....kaon, tagay...jajaja
4. SAES的反义词
4. saes:state agricultural experiment station; 州立农业试验站
SAES 双语例句1. The incidence and type of AEs, SAEs, study treatment-related AEs and SAEs, study treatment-related AEs by NCI-CTC toxicity grade, cetuximab-related SAEs, NCI-CTC grade 3 and 4 AEs, study treatment-related NCI-CTC grade 3 and 4 AEs, AEs leading to death, study treatment-related AEs leading to death, cetuximab-related AEs leading to death, AEs leading to discontinuation of study treatment, AEs leading to delay of study treatment, and AEs leading to dose reduction will be summarized in total and for each treatment group according to the MedDRA system organ class and MedDRA preferred terms.
2. The fill and cap weld passes of the girth weld joints of this API 5L Grade X65 high strength pipe shall be made using low hydrogen welding process and consumables, per the requirement of SAES-W-012 (welding requirements for pipelines).
那填充而且胜过这美国石油协会 5L 等级 X65 高的力量管的周围焊接处关节的焊接处途径将被做使用焊接程序和消耗品的低的氢,每一 SAES 的需求-W-012。
3. In particular, details of all protocol amendments and all SAEs were apparently not submitted to the ethics committee.
4. SAES is the industry leader in vacuum technology and advanced materials.
5. SAES的意思
5. Learn from others. It saes you a lot of grief.
6. Asthma exacerbations were recorded in 3 and 6 and SAEs in 2 and 1 patients from the SFC and FP groups, respectively.
SFC 和FP组患者分别有3名和6名患者出现哮喘恶化,分别有2名和1名患者出现严重不良反应。
7. The cost of this method is lower, saes time, and reduces possible risk inserting screws in only one side.
8. The mean maximum acceptable annual risk for each of the SAEs was calculated for arious leels of clinical benefit.
9. No drug-related SAEs were reported in the Verum group.
10. The mean maximum acceptable annual risk (MAR) for each of the SAEs was calculated for various levels of clinical benefit.
11. SAES的解释
11. Evaluation index system for sustainable agriculture is studied and developed in this paper. The agricultural integrated evaluation system (SAES), designed by computer technique, provide a convenient, directly perceived, accurate and scientific evaluation measure for regional sustainable agricultural evaluation.
12. System Methodology Application for Product Quality Problem Solving & A Typical Case of SAES\'s ABC Motor
13. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D
13. Just remember to find and replace the old client\'s name. Starting with an existing form saes time and aoids the errors of typing.
本文链接: http://saes.immuno-online.com/view-705793.html